Daily Sculpt #5 - Figure Sculpt
Quick study for my next project. I hadn't done a crouching pose before so I wanted to explore the position a little bit. I went with a different technique altogether on this one. I was trying to push this a little more towards the traditional statue side. Once I get a nice foundation for the body I went in with h-polish and knocked out all the planes.
Daily Sculpt #4 - Hand study cont.
I finally got some work done after my move. Most of the sculpting for this is done. Still some tiny tweaks to be made. I'm gonna give this one one more session for texturing and then i'll call it a day. I tried to use the new 4r4 topology brush for this. Mesh Extract ended up being much quicker for me.
Daily Sculpt #3 - Hand Study- Intravenous project, zrbush 4r4
Started a new project today. It's a bit of a study but meant to be a standalone piece as well. Haven't quite finished this one yet. I'll give it some more hours in the coming days. It still needs high frequency detail, texturing, and some polishing. I used qremesher a couple of times here. The topology from the zspheres was wreaking havoc on the back of the hand so I did my best to get a low poly qremesher mesh. In my experience Qremesher doesn't seem to like low poly settings and more often than not destroys half the mesh. I think it gave me a weird artifact when I used it on the blanket but it's not very noticeable. That's what I was fiddling with towards the end of the timelapse. I still can't get the hang of qremesher but I at least got useable pieces this time. I also played with the new IMM(insert multiMesh) brushes. I might make my own iv tube IMM brush to test them out when I finish this one.
Daily Sculpt #2 - Figure Sculpting the Shoulder
Quick sculpt for today. Probably around an hour of sculpting here. Maybe a little less. Starting with low res dynamesh and then I moved into subdivison levels. There are some problem areas but it's good enough for what I was trying to accomplish. The deltoid could use a little more love and perhaps the shape of the rib cage is a tiny bit off as well. Grad school is starting soon and I need to start nailing down the fuzzy bits of my anatomy.... Expect more of these in the next few weeks.
This one was really starting to bother me. I decided to go back and give it a few more minutes of time for some finishing touches. I think it looks much nicer. I can't look at the preview image without staring at the terrible deltoid.
This one was really starting to bother me. I decided to go back and give it a few more minutes of time for some finishing touches. I think it looks much nicer. I can't look at the preview image without staring at the terrible deltoid.
Daily Sculpt #1 7/25/12 - crab detailing
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Dragging my feet with this guy but he's almost done |
I got the timelapse working in zbrush and recorded my session for today. I'm gonna try to start posting these videos more frequently. Actual time is probably around 2 hours here. This one is on the boring side but there's a lot of information in here. At this stage of the model it's all detailing and that's what you get here. I'm mostly sculpting by hand here but there are some alphas thrown in. Specifically for the shell. Cut to the end of the video for a turntable.
Turntable Crab stalk Wrinkles
edit: Just discovered that blogger videos upload with horrible quality. Youtube is definitely the way to go,.
Trying out a livestream.. say hello. Seems to be a good way to create a log of videos. Totally stealing this idea from Danny Williams. Find him at
still alive
Haven't posted in a while. Here's what I've been doing the past few days. He still needs high detail work. Original Concept by Sean Hughes. ...testing out this fancy p3d thing.
Skin Directionality + Likeness
Hi All. Module 4 for creature design dealt with skin directionality and wrinkles. I decided to do a small test first just to get some practice in before I deal with it on my bat creature. Here's the sculpt I came up with. A few hours. Based on Mr. Clint Eastwood. I might extend this in the future and texture/render it. Currently the detail work only exists for the front view. BPR view from zbrush below.
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